Страна: USA
Стиль: Death Metal
Тематика песен : Death, War, Hate, Violence...
Текущий состав группы:
Brett Hoffmann - Vocals (Silent Death (Che), Down the Drain (US))
Phil Fasciana - Guitar (HatePlow)
Marco Martell - Guitar (Bass 2007-2008) (Divine Empire, Against the Plagues)
Jason Blachowicz - Bass (and Vocals in 1996/97) (Divine Empire, Murder 101)
Fabian Aguirre - Drums (Synapticide, Angel Negro (Col), MistyFate)
1991 - The Ten Commandments
1992 - Retribution
1993 - Stillborn
1996 - Eternal
1997 - In Cold Blood
1998 - The Fine Art of Murder
2000 - Envenomed
2002 - The Will To Kill
2004 - Warkult
2007 - Doomsday X